The object theme of
bud brand 2017
Mobile = Mobility
When humans think about convenience, “mobile” is an indispensable concept. Typical examples in recent years include cell phones and laptops.Going back a bit further, we have wristwatches and folding umbrellas. These are all products that changed people’s lives significantly and even now continue to evolve and permeate our lifestyles. The “mobile” mentioned in this year’s theme does not refer to things like electronic devices or applications premised on digital technology. Rather, it means, for example, something that allows its user to take a break anywhere, anytime. Or have a party. Or play. The idea is to “mobilize” things that ordinarily we would never conceive of carrying around or that are fundamentally too big to move. This underscores the creation of unique products that are not only convenient, but give shape to something interesting and unexpected and prompt the reaction, “Wouldn’t it be fun if we had something like that!” Changing how we live and feel in our everyday lives by mobilizing things we have always assumed impossible to pick up and carry around – we’re conducting a wide-ranging search for ideas filled with such dreams.